my computer was attacking by virus ing

havent format..

so i m not update here for a long time ..


our art n degisn department will hold "paul klee n joan miro" imitation art works exhibition at klg mall on 16 april 7pm(for opening)

so excited for it

but the same way i got only 85 score in this work==



i dont have enough money to use

i want to keep diet!!!!!!!!!!



there are so many actress in our world

they r so terrible

i dont want to get along with them..


it is a long time i m not going out with all of u my firends..

sorry about it

i m too busy here,..


do u know me/?

r u sure u know me?





y i cant feel..

feel any temperature from ur arm

pls.. i wish that i m thinking too much about my love

but i know that u love me

i love u too

i trust u.. but sometime i felt sad..~

but never mind..that is enough for ur full love

thks my dear BEE..



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