time flies

4 months already


i must admit that ur apperance keep influence me

i cant sure whether i had been give up or not

i still care about u just like before..


dont try so hard the best thing come when u least expert them too

i like this' sentense meaning formerly

but, without understanding, we cant achieve the promise to forever that we want

i keep every moment still

but u had thrown away every memories

maybe our love is ur pain or maybe u regret the love u gave me

"we" is not us now

wat m i thinking about?


i looks like a missing child since i give up our love

i depend on u

feeling sad and helpless since the day u would not protect me anymore...


my mum asked me whether i still love u

surely i keep show my abominable to u when my mum ask me

do u know i never blame of u even u do anything worst to me


our anniversary become meaningless

but i still waiting the day

the meaningless day.


my dream make me sad




oh my god i missing u

i waiting for the day we meet or greeted to each other..

i miss u like addiction in drug

u had been walk into my spirit



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