There r many UNFINISHED yet homework r waiting for me

i would like to finish it as soon as possible but i m tired

n the most important is   I M SICK AGAIN

damn shit


stomach pain n keep vomit

my god

will i lost my fat this time?

hope this n i need ur blessingsssss


no more water to use

what the worst weather n MALYSIA??

y still cant find the best solution to face this problem?


so these day eat outside

miss my mum's cook==

having a happy MCD..

but i vomitted after i back to home

so hard n sick

i would like to call my bee n tell him about hin

but he is doing his homework n switching his handphone..

so sad when i cant connect with him




i want to go to DA BIAN

n vomit again..




gd 9


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